Where Are They Now?
We Need+ Your Help to Locate Fellow Classmates and Teachers...

Please help us in locating classmates. The following is a list of people we haven't been able to get in touch with and haven't been to a class event for twenty or more years. . If you have any information that would help us find them, please let us know by posting a message on our "Contact Us" page (at end of this website).  As we receive their contact info, we will place "LOCATED" beside their name(s), and we will all look forward to seeing them at our next reunion.  After they attend a reunion or other class event, we will remove their names from this "Where Are They Now" list.  Thanks for all your help!

OUR CLASSMATES:                                   

Larry Atkins - LOCATED
Josephine Boldien
Mattie Dial - LOCATED
​​Catherine Edwards
Tot Faye Evans
Leon Hardeman - LOCATED
Cora Hill Lockett - LOCATED
Shirley Ann Johnson
Lula Keys - LOCATED
Annie Kimbrough  - LOCATED
​Sarah Kindle
Willie Mae Love - LOCATED
Walter McMiller - LOCATED
Rosie McSwine ​- LOCATED
Willie Norwood  LOCATED
Alec Oliver
​Ronnie Robinson ​- LOCATED
Helen Sargent - LOCATED
​Leroy Shavers - LOCATED
Dorothy Spruill - LOCATED
Frank Stanley - LOCATED
​​Queenie Stokes Welch - LOCATED
Erma Williams - LOCATED

​Claude Perkins ​- LOCATED